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For the first time in the alumni magazine’s history, the UT Journal of The University of Tampa has won two international 2021 Circle of Excellence awards from CASE (the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education).
About the Fall 2020 cover, the CASE judges wrote: “The illustration is great, both in concept and in execution, and we loved the way the cover line and the illustration worked together to be greater than the sum of their parts. The cover art was illustrated by freelancer Mark Smith.
The other award was a silver for writing for an eight-page feature in the Winter 2021 issue called “Getting Out the Vote” by freelancer Jessica Blatt Press. It covers the major, campus-wide, nonpartisan effort that was undertaken at UT to get students registered to vote and to the polls by the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge Coalition made up of students, staff, faculty, alumni and a member of the county’s Supervisor of Elections office.
The UT Journal is put together by UT staffers Eric Cardenas, director of the Office of Public Information and Publications; Jane Bianchi, writer/editor; Erin Dixon, art director; and freelance contributors. The print magazine is published three times a year (spring, fall and winter), and articles can also be read on the UT Journal’s website . If you don’t currently get the UT Journal, you can update your address here.
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