On Thursday, Nov. 1, The University of Tampa will host a reading and reception featuring Daniel Wollenberg, assistant professor of English. The program, which is the second reading of the University’s UT Writes lecture series, begins at 6 p.m. in the Macdonald-Kelce Library, AV Room 2. It is free and open to the public; refreshments will be served.
Wollenberg will read from his book
Medieval Imagery in Today’s Politics, which examines the political uses of the Middle Ages and questions why it continues to play such a prominent role in politics and history today.
Wollenberg teaches The Medieval Vision, British Literature I, World Literature Writing I and First-Year Writing at UT. He specializes in how the Middle Ages have affected contemporary problems such as nationalism, identity and ethnicity, and collective memory. Wollenberg’s current work studies the engagements in medieval imagery and political communication.
He has published two articles in
Post Medieval, which both study the connections between the Middle Ages, contemporary fringe and mainstream political writing. Wollenberg also wrote an article that examines the Danes in Middle English romance and chronicles, which was published in
Northern Studies.
The event is sponsored by The Friends of the Macdonald-Kelce Library. For more information, contact Leslie Vega, reference instruction librarian, at
lvega@ut.edu or (813) 257-3244.