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401 W. Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33606-13490
(813) 253-3333
The TECO Energy Center for Leadership, part of the Sykes College of Business at The University of Tampa, is proud to present “Know Thy Team and Know Thyself,” as part of the Leadership Speaker Series, a biannual speaker event. The event will be held on Wednesday, March 23, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the Crescent Club on the 9th floor of the Vaughn Center on campus.
The TECO Energy Center for Leadership, part of the Sykes College of Business at The University of Tampa, is proud to present “Know Thy Team and Know Thyself,” as part of the Leadership Speaker Series, a biannual speaker event. The event will be held on Wednesday, March 23, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the Crescent Club on the 9th floor of the Vaughn Center on campus.
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