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Published: March 28, 2023

Marine Biology Students Get the Chance to Meet Idol, Jane Goodall

For three marine science and biology majors, their idol, primatologist Jane Goodall, is a dream come true.

Marine Biology Students Get the Chance to Meet Idol, Jane GoodallJulia Piper '24, Eamon Hennessy '23, and Ashley O'Brien '23 will have the chance to meet Jane Goodall when she comes to Tampa this week. Photo by Drew McDougall '23

Goodall will be speaking at the Tampa Theatre this week. In addition to her talklocal members of her nonprofit Roots & Shoots will give a presentation about their work within the organization and host a question-and-answer session with Goodall.

Julia Piper '24 will be speaking about the learning garden at St. Peter Claver Catholic Elementary School. The goal is to have the students do the gardening eventually, but first, Piper is working to make sure the garden is functional. The overall purpose is to teach kids about ecosystems and environmentalism, she said.

For Piper, the opportunity to be part of Goodall’s night is humbling — and daunting.

“I don’t know how you feel worthy enough to do that,” she said. “She’s someone I looked up to my whole life— it’s an honor, but a scary honor,” she laughed.

In the future, Piper said she would like to work in climate science.

“I kind of want to be her,” she said of Goodall.

Ashley O’Brien '23 is the head of Roots & Shoots recycling committee and will be speaking about the effort to make recycling more accessible on campus. She will also about the recycling is beautiful art gala, an event on campus focused on sustainably created art by students.

President of UT’s Roots & Shoots, Eamon Hennessy '23 will be hosting the Q&A.

“It’s going to be the best day of my life,” he said. “She means a lot to me— she’s the reason I want to be a scientist and conservationist.”

The purpose of the event is to educate and get more people involved with Roots & Shoots, Hennessy explained.

“Everyone says don’t meet your heroes, but I think she’s going to be pretty cool,” he said.

Goodall will speak in front of a sold out crowd at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Tampa Theatre.

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Contact Brianna Kwasnik, Web Writer
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