BetterBoo, a startup Internet site created by UT Student Government President Nick Chmura, has been named one of the Coolest College Startups by
Inc. Magazine for 2012. He is listed as one of 19 startups.
See the online article at
The magazine states that Chmura, a senior finance major from Oberlin, OH, “turned his personal quest to be a better gift-giver into a profitable business.” BetterBoo is a Web-based application that uses Facebook and Amazon to help users find and buy gifts. Launched in 2011, the start-up has received $40,000 in seed funding.
In 2010 Chmura was the first UT student to participate in the highly-competitive CEO Business Pitch Competition during the Collegiate Entrepreneur Organization conference in Chicago. His pitch for placed in the top 12 out of 99 students.