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Oct. 01, 2015

Crisis Communicator Who Handled Martin-Zimmerman Case Will Speak at UT on Oct. 15

Crisis communication specialist Susan Vernon-Devlin, who served as a crisis communication consultant with the city of Sanford, FL, after the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case, will speak at The University of Tampa on Thursday, Oct. 15, at noon in Reeves Theater in the Vaughn Center on campus.

The public is invited, and the presentation is free.

Vernon-Devlin is the vice president of public relations for Massey Communications and is a crisis communication expert with more than 20 years experience. Additionally, she is a public and media relations manager, public speaker, producer and published writer.

Specifically, Vernon-Devlin will discuss campus crisis communications. She will also answer questions from the audience.

The event is sponsored by UT’s Department of Speech, Theatre and Dance in conjunction with UT’s Center for Public Speaking.