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Student Research/Inquiry Abroad

UT students have the opportunity to collaborate with faculty members to engage in globally focused scholarly activities or research. These experiences allow students to prepare research, attend conferences and present academic work in front of a globally diverse audience. 

Students who are invited to assist faculty members with research and present internationally are required to register the international component of the experience with the Office of International Programs by submitting an application, completing pre-departure instruction and enrolling in UT international health insurance.

Students also have the opportunity to apply to for the following international research opportunities:

EuroScholars Program

  • Aimed at highlighting talented and motivated undergraduate students who have a high interest in conducting research abroad.
  • Students earn up to 15 US credits for full-time study per semester.
  • Students are part of an international research group and all research is conducted in English.
  • Program fee of 9,975 Euros includes rent for housing, a language and culture course, supervision and guidance.
  • 1,500 Euro grants are offered which count towards the payment of the program fee.
  • Research projects are offered in almost all disciplines. Students can either apply to one of the research projects which are listed on the EuroSchoalrs website or submit a proposal themselves via email to us.
  • Students considering applying for this opportunity must be in touch with their education abroad advisor. Please contact for assistance.

Deadlines are March 1 for summer and fall and Oct. 1 for spring.

For more information, contact