Current UTampa Students
Students already enrolled at The University of Tampa are able to register themselves for classes in summer, winter or May sessions during the open registration period.
Registration for all summer sessions remains open until the start of the respective summer session. Prepayment will be required for late registrations.
Advisor clearance may be required for some classes. Students are recommended to consult with their advisor to address any questions they may have concerning the degree-applicable courses available to them.
Students can login to Workday to register for summer, winter or May courses.
New UTampa Students
The University of Tampa welcomes both current and newly admitted students to take courses during the summer sessions. Only current UTampa students are eligible to participate in winter and May sessions.
There is a general orientation for all students starting at The University of Tampa during the summer terms. All new students will be enrolled in an orientation course prior to the start of classes. Assistance using UTampa's technology systems is available, as well as information on parking, student support services, finding your classes, purchasing textbooks, safety tips and more.
Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students anticipating starting one of The University of Tampa's undergraduate programs during a summer term, either as full-time or part-time students, should first apply to the University. More information can be obtained by contacting the Office of Admissions at (813) 253-6211, (888) MINARET or admissions@ut.edu.
Graduate Students
Graduate students anticipating starting one of The University of Tampa's graduate programs in the summer should first apply to the University. For information on a graduate program, such as admission requirements, contact the Office of Graduate and Continuing Studies at (813) 258-7409 or grad@ut.edu.
Visiting Students
Visiting students, including non-degree, transient and auditing, are welcome to attend The University of Tampa during the summer terms. Simply complete the application and provide an official or unofficial transcript of previously completed college-level work.
International Students
International non-U.S. students may begin their studies at The University of Tampa in one of the summer terms. All international students must be considered full-time in the summer and have received appropriate visa status. Since it can take a considerable amount of time for all necessary processing of paperwork, international students are encouraged to start this process well in advance of the desired start date. Contact an international admissions counselor for assistance.
High School Students
High school students may take classes at UTampa with a letter of recommendation from a high school principal or counselor. Apply as a non-degree seeking student.
Registering for Overlapping Courses
For online and hybrid courses, time blocks may be reserved for class meetups. Though these time blocks may not always be utilized, it is important that this reserved period remains available within the student’s schedule for instructors who choose to use it. Therefore, classes with overlapping time blocks cannot be registered for without special permission. Additionally, students are not encouraged to take more hours than can be handled for successfully.
To receive a registration override, email approval must be obtained from both course instructors stating there will not be a time conflict, or, that other arrangements will be made with the student. These approvals should be sent to registrar@ut.edu and must clearly indicate the following information: student ID number, the term in which the classes will be taken, the course code and section ID of both classes to be placed on the student’s schedule, and finally, each instructor’s approval message.
Confirmation of a registration override can be confirmed with the Registrar’s Office.
Wait Lists
Students are encouraged to go on the wait list in those instances when a desired course is full. Wait lists are monitored daily, and students who meet all course requirements are automatically registered in the course if a seat opens up. Students on the wait list are placed in the course on a first-in first-out basis. Wait lists remain active until the start of classes in each respective summer term. Only department chairs may over-ride the wait list to add students to a closed class.