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The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at The University of Tampa is responsible for approving studies done by UT faculty, staff or students that involve human participants. The IRB is comprised of five University members from across the colleges and one outside member.

The full University policy concerning the IRB can be found in the Faculty Handbook (Chapter 6, part VIII(8)). The most recent update to the policy was approved by the Faculty Senate in October 2011. Institutional Review Board FAQ explains IRB procedures in a concise manner.

Researcher Training

Before submitting any proposal to the IRB, all researchers listed must complete the appropriate CITI Training at

Information concerning the CITI Training implementation at the University of Tampa can be found at the link.

The IRB has prepared a short set of guidelines for researchers that use questionnaires. It also provides examples of current best practices for common demographic questions.

IRB Forms

If you are an instructor doing a research-based assignment, then please read the “Policy on Classroom Projects Involving Human Participants.” If this policy applies to you, then please fill out the “ IRB: Classroom Project Involving Human Participants” form.

When performing research involving human participants at The University of Tampa, your project must be approved by the IRB. Use the “IRB: Research Proposal” form. Please keep the following two points in mind:

  1. Be as precise and as detailed as you can be concerning your study;
  2. Include any survey or other instrument in the application.

This single form captures exempt, expedited and full risk proposals. Exempt research carries little to no risk, while expedited or full carry more risk. The IRB FAQ and Guidelines documents contain more information to help you make the judgment concerning your own research.

An example Informed Consent and Debriefing document can be found here.

blank proposal form to assist collaborators in working together on a proposal before submitting via Submittable is linked here.

Update an already approved research project.

If you have an IRB submission, or a question or a comment you would like to make, please email