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Admissions for the 2024-2025 cycle will open on April 25, 2024. The program has a rolling admissions process with a verified application deadline of Dec. 1, 2024. There is an advantage for early applicants with a complete verified application to be considered for the September—December 2024 interviews. You must have a complete verified application no later than the Dec. 1, 2024, deadline. Applicants who apply by the Dec. 1, 2024, deadline will be considered for the January 2025 interview date.

The following information applies to the 2024-2025 admission cycle

The admission process is highly selective. Applicants are considered for an interview if they meet the minimum GPA requirements (3.0 prerequisite and 3.0 last 60 credit hours GPA), PA-CAT taken and scores reported**Pre-req GPA, last 60 GPA, and PA-CAT scaled score performance are weighted in the application scoring but do not serve as preference requirements, no legal history of felony convictions, and demonstrate at least two of the following program admission preferences listed below:

  • Direct patient care experience > 750 hours
  • Work experience or research hours > 500 hours
  • Community service/mission work > 250 hours
  • Leadership activities ≥ one year
  • First-generation college student (you or your siblings are the first in your family to earn a bachelor’s degree)
  • Graduate degree earned in any discipline by the time of application or Dec. 1, 2024, depending on which interview you are applying to.
  • Military service (veterans must have an honorable or entry-level discharge)
  • University of Tampa alumni

Please note that the PA-CAT is required for application. For more information, continue scrolling to the section below titled “PA-CAT.”

*Pre-req GPA, last 60 GPA, and PA-CAT scaled score performance are weighted in the application scoring but do not serve as preference requirements.

Each year, UT's Physician Assistant Medicine Program receives a large number of applications, and 48 students are selected to matriculate and enroll in August. Learn more about the characteristics of matriculated cohorts (PDF).

The tabs below discuss each of the preferences in greater detail when applicable. Applicants who meet the criteria above will have their file forwarded to the program for further review. The program faculty will conduct a holistic review of the applicant’s CASPA application and recommend those to interview. Applicants are encouraged to learn more about the program by reviewing the admission advisement slideshow linked below and signing up for a virtual advising session:

If you have any additional admissions questions after reviewing our Physician Assistant Medicine Program website, please email our admissions team by clicking the red button below.

The UTPA program will offer seats to highly qualified current UT undergraduates or alumni through this accelerated admission process (2024 admissions cycle for the 2025 Cohort).


Application DeadlineMay 15, 2024
Bachelor’s DegreeUT Bachelor’s Degree
GPA Last 60Minimal 3.5
GPA Pre-requisiteMinimal 3.5 with B-(BC) or better in each course
  • PA-CAT scores must be reported by June 26, 2024. We recommend taking the PA-CAT no later than early May to ensure scores are reported by June 26. PA-CAT scores may take up to six weeks to be reported after completing the exam.  
  • You will NOT be selected for admission unless your PA-CAT scores are reported by June 26, 2024.

Pre-Health Advisor


Documentation from the Pre-Health Advisor will be submitted on your behalf during the application pre-review process (no action needs to be taken by the student/applicant).
Must have one of the following preferences
  • Direct patient care experience > 750 hours
  • Work experience or research hours > 500 hours
  • Community service/mission work > 250 hours
  • Leadership activities ≥ one year
  • First-generation college student
  • Military service
Pre-requisites with B-(BC) or better
  • Two general biology with lab (the biology II requirement may be substituted with cell biology, genetics, immunology, virology or biochemistry*)
  • One microbiology with lab
  • Two human anatomy and physiology with lab (can be one-semester anatomy and one-semester physiology, or combined anatomy and physiology courses)
  • Two general chemistry with lab (the chemistry II requirement may be substituted with organic chemistry or biochemistry*)
  • One statistics (not a lab science); may be met by educational/psychology or biostatistics course

*Cannot count twice

InterviewMust pass and be selected through the interview process.


  • For more information on the preferences, refer to the UT PA Admissions page.
  • If you are not selected through this process, then you must complete the traditional application process through CASPA for continued consideration. You will not automatically roll over to an applicant status.
  • To apply through the UT2UT pathway, please contact graduate admissions.
  • You will be asked to complete a personal statement in the application describing why you want to be a PA.
  • Be prepared to upload a resume in the application.
  • If offered admission, pre-requisites must be complete by the end of the summer 2024 semester. Applicants must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5 in pre-requisites GPA and last 60 credit hours GPA.
  • The application process is competitive. Applications are reviewed holistically. Completing minimal experiences does not guarantee an interview or acceptance.
  • Interviews will be completed in June and are required for selection. Completing an interview does not guarantee selection.
  • Applicants will be notified in July of the selection decision.


  • Timeline
    • CASPA application opens on April 25, 2024, and closes Dec. 1, 2024.
    • Complete verified applications are due Dec. 1, 2024. We highly encourage interested applicants to apply early, depending on the interview date you are applying to, and submit a complete application to be considered for the September - December 2024 interviews. It can take up to 30 days for CASPA to verify all application materials, so plan accordingly to meet the application deadline.
    • CASPA application must be verified, all prerequisites completed, graduate degree completed, PA-CAT score reported, and supporting documents uploaded to CASPA by the deadline of Dec. 1, 2024. However, we encourage applicants to submit a complete application at least two months before the interview date you are applying for, to be considered for the September - December 2024 interviews.
    • Interviews will be held on Fridays from Sept. 2024 to Jan. 2025.
    • Interview invitations will be extended approx. three weeks prior to each interview date.
    • Admission notifications occur approx. 1 week after each interview date.
    • Admission deposit of $1,500 is due two weeks after the interview date.
    • The cohort starts late August 2025.
  • Application
    • Apply through CASPA early or by the verified deadline of Dec. 1, 2024, depending on which interview date you are applying to.
    • See CASPA FAQs to assist you in completing your application.
    • A supplemental application is required. There is no supplemental application fee. The supplemental application questions are included within the CASPA application.
    • Campus interviews are extended to the best-qualified 80 applicants and participation is required.
  • Tours
    Please visit for the latest information on campus tours.

  • Submit three letters of recommendation from faculty, coaches, employers, patients or health care providers with whom the applicant has a shadow or work history. The program will only evaluate the first three letters submitted if you submit more than three letters with your application.
  • Letters from a PA or physician are not required.
  • No letters from immediate family members or friends will be accepted.

  • Minimum last 60 credit hours GPA: 3.0
  • Minimum prerequisite GPA: 3.0

  • The GRE is not required for application.
  • The MCAT is not required for application.

  • The Physician Assistant College Admission Test (PA-CAT) has predictive value in identifying applicants that may have difficulty in classes and passing PANCE.
  • The PA-CAT is required for admission for the 2024-2025 application cycle.
  • Submit your application as soon as possible. However, the PA-CAT exam must be completed, and score reported by the time of application or by the CASPA verified deadline of Dec. 1, 2024, depending on which interview you are applying to.
  • PA-CAT scores are good for as long as defined by Exam Master.
  • Scaled score is weighted in the admissions decision. We use the composite score and quintile or percentile score when evaluating your performance.
  • If the PA-CAT has been taken more than once, the program uses the highest composite score reported by Exam Master.
  • Applicants should plan to complete the PA-CAT at least 3 months before the interview date they are applying for, but no later than the end of October for Exam Master to report their scores by the time of application or by the CASPA verified deadline for the program of Dec. 1, 2024. It can take two to three weeks to schedule an exam to be taken remotely or in person at a test center.
  • Go to the Exam Master PA-CAT website to learn more about how and where to take the exam. You must select The University of Tampa PA Program to report scores to, and we will receive a score report.
  • Remember the PA-CAT is required for application, so plan accordingly.

  • A completed bachelor's degree by July 1 of the entering year from a regionally accredited institution. A graduate degree from a regionally accredited institution will be accepted in lieu of the bachelor's degree requirement.
  • To be considered for the graduate degree preference, the graduate degree must be awarded by the time of application or Dec. 1, 2024, depending on which interview you are applying to.

Prerequisite Course Requirements:

  • Applicants must earn a B- (BC) or better in prerequisite courses*, and they must be completed at a regionally accredited institution by the time of application or Dec. 1, 2024, depending on which interview you are applying for. The program does not allow outstanding prerequisites beyond the application deadline.
  • Veteran/Military Applicants - The UT PA program has a preference for students who are currently serving or have served in the military. We acknowledge that performance of less than a B- (BC) in a pre-requisite may be due to a unique circumstance in the veteran population. Therefore, we send all veteran/military applicants through a holistic preview, which may include a “pre-interview” with the applicant to discuss their academic preparation. Based on the holistic review, the applicant may be offered an on-campus interview. If after the interview the applicant is offered a seat in the program but has an existing pre-requisite with a grade of less than B- (BC), they would be required to repeat the “pre-requisite” and earn a “B- (BC)” or better before matriculation.


    *Due to COVID-19, many colleges transitioned to online delivery and gave students the option of S/U or Pass/Fail grading for Spring and Summer 2020 courses. The UT PA program will accept any S/U or Pass/Fail grading for Spring and Summer 2020 courses only and assign a grade of "B" for any S or Pass grade and a grade of “F” for any U or Fail grade when calculating a pre-req GPA or last-60 GPA. This policy applies to any courses taken Spring 2020 through Fall 2021 and will be applied to our prerequisites and last-60 GPA calculations. This policy is subject to change as needed in response to COVID-19.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) or College Level Examination Program (CLEP) courses are accepted, but a petition form (PDF) must be submitted and approved. The accepted AP/CLEP course must be replaced by an upper-division course in the same subject and must include a lab if applicable. The replacement course grade will be substituted for the AP/CLEP course in the GPA calculations.
  • Prerequisite courses greater than 10 years from the date of graduation (degree during which prerequisites were completed) will not be accepted unless the applicant has provided direct patient care for at least 4,000 hours within the last 10 years from Dec. 1 of the year applied.
  • Applicants may petition for prerequisite substitution by completing the PA program petition form. Completion of the form is the sole responsibility of the applicant, and the decision made by the program is final and may not be appealed. A petition is not required if substituting approved courses for Biology II and Chemistry II (see below for more information).
  • The highest grade will be utilized for prerequisite GPA calculation if a course has been retaken.

Required Courses:

  • Two general biology with lab (the biology II requirement may be substituted with cell biology, genetics, immunology, virology or biochemistry*(*Cannot count twice))
  • One microbiology with lab
  • Two human anatomy and physiology with lab (can be one semester anatomy and one semester physiology, or combined anatomy and physiology courses)
  • Two general chemistry with lab (the chemistry II requirement may be substituted with organic chemistry or biochemistry*(*Cannot count twice))
  • One statistics (not a lab science); may be met by educational/psychology or biostatistics course

*Cannot count twice

UT students should use the table below to guide which UT courses meet the prerequisites listed above. Applicants are not required to take prerequisite courses at UT and non-UT applicants are not required to submit a petition request to waive the same prerequisite course taken at an outside institution in lieu of listed UT courses below.


PrerequisiteUT Course
General Biology I and II with labsBIO 198, BIO 198L, BIO 199, BIO 199L
Microbiology with labBIO 307, BIO 307L
Anatomy and Physiology I and II with labs


General Physiology with lab and Anatomy with lab course
HSC 230, HSC 234, HSC 231, HSC 235


BIO 330/330L plus BIO 250/250L or BIO 302/302L
General Chemistry I and II with labsCHE 152, CHE 153L, CHE 154, CHE 155L
Statistics: one courseAny one of the following:
BIO 230, HSC 350, SOC 355, MAT 201, CRM 240


The following recommended supplemental courses assist students in the academic transition to the physician assistant medicine program curriculum. No preference is given for recommended supplemental courses and some of the listed courses can substitute for the biology II and chemistry II prerequisites (see information listed above).

  • Medical terminology
  • Biochemistry
  • Genetics
  • Organic chemistry
  • Educational/psychology or biostatistics

Selecting Prerequisites:

  • Only highlight the required prerequisites and respective labs with the highest grades. This is consistent with our grade forgiveness policy.
  • Do not highlight any repeated courses with lower grades or substitute any courses for which a petition form hasn’t been submitted. This slows your application down from being reviewed and may delay an interview offer.

  • PA observation or shadowing is not required for application. However, competitive applicants will have observed a PA for as many hours as necessary to demonstrate they are knowledgeable of the PA role on the healthcare team and will be evaluated during the interview.
  • Observation of a PA does not count as direct patient care experience.

The following count toward leadership. (This is not an exclusive list. If there are activities or events you feel should be counted in the category of leadership/maturity, please list them on the application.)

  • Intercollegiate athlete of any type — one year for each season (includes dance, cheer and/or athletic trainer/manager for team)
  • Leadership role in fraternity/sorority or other professional organization/club or student government (must be an executive leadership position such as president, vice president or committee chair — being a member of a club does not count as leadership)
  • Worked at least 15 hours per week while attending college as a full time student
  • Other non-college related leadership roles within the community or at one’s place of employment such as serving on city council or filling the role of manager — one year for one year of service

Re-applicants must improve in at least two program preferences to reapply. The following guidance given to first-time applicants also applies to re-applicants:


The admissions process for the UT PA program is highly competitive. Applications are holistically reviewed relative to our program preferences, prerequisite GPA*(*Pre-req GPA, last 60 GPA and PA-CAT scaled score performance are weighted in the application scoring, but does not serve as a preference requirement), last 60 credit hours GPA*, PA-CAT scores reported*(*Pre-req GPA, last 60 GPA and PA-CAT scaled score performance are weighted in the application scoring, but does not serve as a preference requirement), personal statement, letters of reference and interview performance. Applicants can review our mission, vision and values, and our class characteristics (PDF) to evaluate the extent to which the applicant aligns with the program preferences for admission.


*Pre-req GPA, last 60 GPA and PA-CAT scaled score performance are weighted in the application scoring, but does not serve as a preference requirement.

  • The PA program does not offer advanced placement for students with prior graduate or doctoral work.
  • The program does not accept transfer students or provide credit for experiential learning.
  • The program does not give credit for prior student experience working in the health care field.
  • All incoming students will take all the courses outlined in the program curriculum.

Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

  • Foreign medical graduates must complete the same application process as any other applicant to be considered for interview or admission.
  • Transcripts will be evaluated to determine if prerequisite coursework requirements have been met. In some instances, the applicant may be required to complete additional prerequisites.
  • Advanced academic credit/transfer credit will not be granted to foreign medical graduates.
  • If you have attended a college or university outside of the United States, you must arrange to have all post-secondary records evaluated by an organization that is certified by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). The list of NACES members can be found at

  • Official TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo test scores will be required of all applicants who have not earned a baccalaureate degree or graduate degree from a regionally accredited college or university in the U.S., Commonwealth Caribbean, Bermuda, Canada, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Australia or New Zealand.
  • Official and valid TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo test scores must be submitted and received by the time of application or by the application deadline of Dec. 1, 2024, depending on which interview you are applying to. Scores are valid for two years from the application deadline and must be current at the time of application. Applications that do not comply with this policy will be characterized as unqualified.
  • TOEFL, IELTS and Duolingo test scores are valid for two years prior to the application deadline.
  • The minimum score is a 90 on the TOEFL, a 6.5 on the IELTS or a 120 on the Duolingo test, and the requirement may not be waived.

  • An on-campus interview is required.
  • Applicants are selected for an interview based on the strength of their CASPA application, including a review of their academic preparation and the program's preferences.
  • During the interview process, the applicant will be provided with and asked to acknowledge their agreement to follow the American Academy of Physician Assistants' (AAPA) Code of Ethics and the physician assistant medicine program social media and professionalism policies.
  • Applicants will be provided with the technical standards of admission at the time of interview and must meet these standards upon admission.
  • Interview event includes four traditional interview stations and group evaluation.
  • Professional dress is expected during the interview. Lunch will be provided to all applicants invited for an interview.
  • The program will interview 16 applicants per session for a total of 80 applicants.
  • Interviews will be held on Fridays from September 2024 to January 2025.
  • Interview invitations will be extended approx. three weeks prior to each interview date. We recommend applicants submit a complete application at least two months prior to the interview date they are applying for, but no later than the CASPA-verified deadline for the program of Dec. 1, 2024.
  • The daily schedule of the interview session will be handed to interviewees during interview registration.
  • Admission notifications occur approx. one week after each interview date.
  • Admission deposit of $1,500 is due two weeks after the interview date.
  • The daily schedule of the interview session will be handed to interviewees during interview registration.

Parking: If driving to campus, we have spots reserved in the Thomas Parking Garage. Please enter the garage from West North A Street off North Boulevard. Follow the signs to the Graduate Health Studies building, second floor.


Accommodations: There are many hotels close to UT’s campus. We will provide storage space on campus for your luggage if needed. We suggest you explore some of the local attractions as well. Mobile rideshare apps such as Uber and Lyft are available in the area. Tampa International Airport is just 6 miles away from campus.

The applicant is responsible for all travel-related expenses (flight, lodging, local travel and off-campus meals), and there are no grants or scholarships available to offset interview expenses.

  • After the interview, the selection committee will review all applicant materials and interview performance to select the final cohort as well as alternates for admission.
  • An offer of acceptance will be extended to the applicant by graduate admissions once approved by the Admissions Sub-Committee approx. one week after each interview date.
  • Applicants selected will be given two weeks after the interview date to accept the offer of admission to the program and must remit a non-refundable fee of $1,500 that will be applied toward tuition.
  • Acceptance into the program is conditional upon completing the following:
    1. Completion of outstanding bachelor’s degree with a last 60 credit hours GPA of 3.0 or higher.
    2. Completion of a criminal background check. Criminal convictions of any nature may create difficulty in placing the student into clinical rotations. Additionally, an applicant’s criminal background may adversely affect an applicant’s ability to obtain licensure or clinical privileges. It is the applicant’s responsibility to address any such issues and determine the continued viability of their candidacy. Refer to the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) or the applicable state medical board governing PA practice for further information. Applicants with felony convictions will not be admitted due to the inability to place them into clinical rotation experiences equivalent to their peers. Applicants are encouraged to accurately disclose all legal history even in circumstances where the conviction has been expunged. Many times, the criminal background check will include past criminal history the applicant was led to believe was erased from the record and the applicant may have been advised by their own counsel to answer inaccurately. Read the full criminal background check policy (PDF).
    3. Completion of a urine drug screen. If marijuana is detected it will be reported as a positive result even if legally prescribed to you in your state. A positive drug screen will result in the admittance being rescinded due to the difficulty in placing the applicant into clinical rotations. It is the applicant’s responsibility to address any such issues and determine the continued viability of their candidacy. Refer to NCCPA or the applicable state medical board governing PA practice for further information. Read the full urine drug screen policy (PDF).
    4. Completion of all required immunizations. Required immunizations will be published annually and updated based on the CDC recommendations for healthcare workers and the individual requirements of the clinical sites the program uses for site placement.
    5. Completion of American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification.
    6. Completion of a physical examination that includes an acknowledgment that the candidate meets the technical standards for admission.
    7. Completion of any outstanding paperwork/transcripts required by UT's Office of Graduate and Continuing Studies.

Delayed Admission Request

Complete details on delayed admissions can be found on the Program Policies page under the header "Deferred Admission Policy."

The University of Tampa’s Physician Assistant Medicine Program requires students to meet specific technical standards to develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies of an entry-level PA. All students must meet these standards after acceptance into the program. Students must verify their ability to meet these standards or request accommodations as needed.


The program’s curriculum cannot be completed remotely. All instruction, including clinical and laboratory experiences, requires in-person attendance.


  1. Observation: Students must effectively observe demonstrations, experiments, and patients at various distances, using vision and other sensory modalities, including hearing and smell.
  2. Communication: Students must speak intelligibly, hear sufficiently, and read and write English effectively to communicate with patients, families, and healthcare professionals and maintain accurate clinical records.
  3. Motor Skills: Students must possess the motor abilities to perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, such as palpation, auscultation, laboratory tests, airway management, and emergency interventions. Fine and gross motor coordination is essential, especially in emergencies.
  4. Intellectual Abilities: Students must rapidly solve problems, interpret medical information, perform patient assessments, and develop effective treatment plans. This includes incorporating new information, understanding three-dimensional relationships, and recalling pertinent information promptly.
  5. Behavioral and Social Attributes: Students must demonstrate emotional stability, sound judgment, compassion, sensitivity, and professional integrity while managing physically and mentally demanding situations.

Additional Requirements:
Applicants must meet the skills required for certification in BLS, ACLS, and PALS and perform a head-to-toe physical examination within the allotted time. Remote coursework or clinical instruction is not permitted, as in-person participation and assessment are mandatory.


For questions about these requirements or to request accommodations, contact Accessibility Services at