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Global Knowledge Courses

This is just a partial list of the courses that may count toward the Certificate of Intercultural Engagement (CIE). Any course with an NW and/or IG tag counts towards the CIE. For any questions concerning whether a course counts as a Global Knowledge Course, please contact Vanessa Rukholm at

Accounting (ACC)
460 International Accounting (3) (IG)

Art (ART)
101 Form and Idea (4) (W) (IG) (A)
268 Art History, Survey I (1)(4) (W) (A)
269 Art History, Survey II (2)(4) (W) (A)
270 History: Primitive Culture (4) (W) (NW) (IG) (A)
271 History: Pre-Columbian (4) (W) (NW) (IG) (A)
272 History: Ancient Cultures of the Near East (4) (W) (NW) (IG)(A)
273 History: Greco-Roman (4) (W) (IG) (A)
274 History: Medieval (4) (W) (A)
275 History: Renaissance (4) (W) (A)
276 History: Baroque and Rococo (4) (W) (A)
277 History: Foundations of Modern Art (4) (W) (A)
278 History: Cultures of the Far East (4) (W) (NW) (IG) (A)
279 History: Neo-Classical to Modern Origins (4) (W) (A)

Biology (BIO)
112 Environmental Science (3) (IG)

Chemistry (CHE)
126 Chemistry and Society (3)

Communication (COM)
224 Communication and Society (4)
261 World Cinema (4) (NW) (IG) (A)
299 British and American Television: A Cultural Comparison (3)
323 Frontiers of Telecommunications (4)
334 Information and the New World Order (4) (NW) (IG)
370 Women, Film and Popular Culture (4) (A)
380 Culture, Society, and Computing Technology (4)
401 Intercultural Communication (4)
425 Information Technology and Human Values (4)
443 Communication and Cultural Studies (4) (W)

Criminology (CRM)
321 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems (4) (IG) (W)
404 Gender, Sexuality, and the Law (4) (W)

Cross-Cultural Studies (CST)
100 Language and Culture (2) (IG)
201 Cross-Cultural Studies (3-4) (IG)

Dance (DAN)
143 Latin Dance Forms (2) (A)
201 Dance History (3) (A)
200 Dance in World Cultures (4) (W) (NW) (IG) (A)

Economics (ECO)
430 International Economics and Finance (3) (IG)

Education (EDU)
300 Teaching Language Arts in the Secondary Schools (ESOL infused course)(4)
301 Teaching Practicum I (1): Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (2)
304 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages I (1)(TESOL I (1)) (3)
315 Teaching Literature and Language Arts in the Elementary School (ESOL infused course) (3) (W)
404 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages II (2)(TESOL II (2)) (3)
442 Learner Diversity and Cross-Cultural Understanding (ESOL infused course) (3) (W) (NW)

English (ENG)
110, 111 English for Non-Native Speakers I (1), II (2)(4, 4)
117 War in Literature and Film (4 ) (A)
121 The Literature of Countercultures (4 ) (A)
201 World Literature I (1)(4) (W) (IG) (A)
202 World Literature II (2)(4) (W) (IG) (A)
206 British Literature I (1)(4) (W) (A)
207 British Literature II (2)(4) (W) (A)
208 American Literature I (1)(4) (W) (A)
209 American Literature II (2)(4) (W) (A)
210 Basic Linguistics (4)
212 Critical Thinking (4)
229 Contemporary African and Third World Literature (4) (W) (NW) (IG) (A)
250 Spanish Literature in English Translation (4) (A)
251 Latin American Literature in English Translation (4) (NW) (A)
312 Contemporary World Literature (4) (W) (NW) (IG) (A)
324 Post-Colonial Literature and Theory (4) (W) (NW) (IG) (A)
325 The Eighteenth Century (4) (W) (A)
334 The Medieval Vision (4) (W) (A)
335 English Renaissance Literature (4) (W) (A)
337 Multiethnic Literature and Film (4) (W) (A)
343 Approaches to TESOL and Teaching Second and Foreign Languages (4)
347 Irish Literature (4) (W) (IG) (A)
360-365 Major Authors (4) (W) (A)
430 Literary Criticism (4) (W) (A)
444 Wordimagebookscreen (4) (W) (A)

Exercise Science and Sport Studies (ESC)
414 Sports and Society (3)

Finance (FIN)
425 International Financial Management (3) (IG)

French (FRE)
101, 102 Elementary French I (1), II (2)(4, 4) (IG)
110 Elementary French Review (4) (IG)
201, 202 Intermediate French I (1), II (2)(4, 4) (IG)
220 French Literature in English Translation (4) (A)
251-259 Topics in French (1-4) (IG)
300, 301 Advanced French I (1), II (2)(4, 4) (IG)
308 Commercial French (4) (IG)
317 Introduction to French Literature (4) (A)
351-359 Topics in French (1-4) (IG)
404 French Culture and Civilization (4) (IG)
451-459 Topics in French (1-4) (IG)

Geography (GEO)
102 World Geographical Problems (4) (NW) (IG)

German (GER)
101, 102 Elementary German I (1), II (2)(4, 4) (IG)
201, 202 Intermediate German I (1), II (2)(4, 4) (IG)
251-259 Topics in German (1-4) (IG)
351-359 Topics in German (1-4) IG

Government and World Affairs (GWA)
100 Introduction to Government and World Affairs (4) (NW) (IG)
201 World Affairs (4) (W) (NW) (IG)
202 International Political Economy (4) (NW) (IG)
203 Political Parties and Interest Groups (4) (W)
204 Introduction to Law and the Legal System (4) (W)
205 Contemporary Europe (4) (IG)
206 Contemporary Latin America (4) (NW) (IG)
207 The Urban World (4) (NW) (IG)
280 Introduction to Peace Studies (4) (W)
301 American Conservatism and Liberalism (4) (W)
302 Modern Legal and Political Thought (4) (W) (IG)
305 Nuclear Proliferation and Nonproliferation (4) (W) (IG) (NW)
305 Nuclear Proliferation and Nonproliferation (4) (W) (IG) (NW)
305 Nuclear Proliferation and Nonproliferation (4) (W) (IG) (NW)
342 The Political Economy of Latin America (4) (W) (NW) (IG)
343 Third World Political and Economic Development (4) (W) (IG) (NW)
344 The Political Economy of Africa (4) (W) (IG) (NW)
409 Comparative Legal Systems: Western Europe (4) (W) (IG)
410 International Law (4) (W) (IG)
413- 425 Topics in Government and World Affairs (2-4)
450 Independent Study (1-4)

History (HIS)
102 World History to 1500 (4) (W) (NW) (IG)
103 World History from 1500 to the Present (4) (W) (NW) (IG)
110 World Civilization: Africa and the West (4) (NW) (IG)
206 Slavery and Racism in the Early Americas: A Comparative Perspective (4) (NW) (IG)
212 Witchcraft and Magic in the Early Modern Atlantic World (4) (IG)
214 Russia's Modern Centuries (4) (W) (NW) (IG)
217 China's Modern Centuries (4) (W) (NW) (IG)
221 Japan's Modern Centuries (4) (W) (NW) (IG)
222 Fascism and Nazi Germany (4) (W) (IG)
224 Russia and the West (4) (W) (IG) (NW)
230 The Balkans: the Powder Keg of Europe (4) (W) (NW) (IG)
260 The Holocaust (4) (IG) (NW) (W)
300 The Middle East (4) (W) (NW) (IG)
301 Irish History 4 (IG)
305 The Ancient World (4) (W) (IG)
306 The Middle Ages (4)
307 Modern Far East (4) (W) (NW) (IG)
308 Renaissance and Reformation (4)
309 England and her Celtic Neighbors (4) (W) (IG)
310 England's Emergence as a World Power since 1780 (IG) (W)
312 Modern Europe (4) (W)
313 Latin America (4) (NW) (IG)
350 The Newly Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (4) (W) (NW) (IG)
406 The History of U.S. Foreign Policy (4) (W)
413 The Era of World War I (1)(4) (IG)
414 The Era of World War II (2)(4) (IG)

International Business (IBS)
397 Global Organizational Behavior (3) (W) (IG)
398 Survey of International Business (3) (W) (IG)  
399 The Art and Science of Negotiation (3)
402 International Accounting (3) (IG)
403 International Economics and Finance (3) (IG)
404 Economic Development (3) (NW) (IG)
405 International Financial Management (3) (IG)
406 International Marketing (3) (W) (IG)
410 Contemporary Latin American Business Issues (3)
411 Contemporary European Business Issues (3)
490 International Business Internship (3-6)
491 Special Projects in International Business (3)
492 Seminar in International Business (3) (IG)
495 Topics in International Business (1-3)

International Studies (IST)
205 Contemporary Europe (4) (IG)
206 Contemporary Latin America (4) (IG) (NW)
270 Introduction to International Studies Research Methods (2) (IG)
290-299 Special Studies (2-4)
470 Senior Research Seminar in International Studies (3) (IG)

Italian (ITA)
101, 102 Elementary Italian I (1), II (2)(4, 4) (IG)
201, 202 Intermediate Italian I (1), II (2)(4, 4) (IG)
251-259 Topics in Italian (1-4) (IG)
351-359 Topics in Italian (1-4) (IG)

Language (LAN)
100 Language and Culture (2)
105 Language For Travel (2)
151-159 Topics in Language (1-4)
200 Studies in Language (1-4)
251-259 Topics in Language (1-4)
351-359 Topics in Language (1-4)
451-459 Topics in Language (1-4) (IG/NW when appropriate.)
460 Internship in Language (2-4)

Linguistics (LIN)
210 Basic Linguistics (4)
310 Applied Linguistics (4)
343 Approaches to TESOL and Teaching Second and Foreign Languages (3)

Management (MGT)
321 Law and Society (3)
345 Global Organizational Behavior (3) (W) (IG)
350 Survey of International Business (3) (W) (IG)

Management Information Systems
366 Financial Operations Management (3)

Marketing (MKT)
410 International Marketing (3) (W) (IG)

Music (MUS)
102 Music Appreciation (3) (W) (A)
123 Music Theory II (2)(3) (A)
191 World Music (3) (NW) (IG) (A)
192 World Music Chorus/Drumming Ensemble (0,1) (A)
319 Music History: Greek through Classic (3) (W) (A)

Nursing (NUR)
430 Holistic Care: Alternative Therapies for Self-Care and Professional Practice (3) (IG) (NW)

Philosophy (PHL)
217 Social and Political Philosophy (4)
237 Eastern Thought (4) (NW) (IG)
300 Philosophical Foundations of the Western World (4)
301 The Making of the Modern Mind (4)

Psychology (PSY)
204 The Great Psychologists (2)

Religion (REL)
205 World Religions (4) (NW) (IG)
217 Eastern Thought (4) (NW) (IG)

Sociology (SOC)
100 Introduction to Sociology (4) (NW) (IG)
101 Social Issues and Social Movements (4)
200 The Urban World (4) (NW) (IG)
226 Third World Development and Underdevelopment (4) (NW) (IG)
300 Cultural Diversity and Aging (4) (IG)
302 Gerontology: Aging and Society (4) (W)
306 Racial and Ethnic Relations (4)
307 The Family in Global Perspective (4) (W) (NW) (IG)

Spanish (SPA)
101, 102 Elementary Spanish I (1), II (2)(4, 4) (IG)
110 Elementary Spanish Review (4) (IG)
150 Conversational Spanish I (1)(1) (IG)
201, 202 Intermediate Spanish I (1), II(2)(4 , 4) (IG)
250 Conversational Spanish II(2)(1) (IG)
251-259 Topics in Spanish (1-4) (IG)
300, 301 Advanced Spanish I (1), II (2)(4, 4) (IG)
306 Phonetics and Phonology (4)
307 The Structure of Modern Spanish (4)
311 Commercial Spanish (4) (IG)
320 Hispanic Cinema
322 Hispanic Women Writers  (Cross-listed with WST 322)
331 Reading Literature
351-359 Topics in Spanish (1-4) (IG)
402, 403 General Spanish Literature I (1), II (2)(4, 4) (IG) (A)
404, 405 Hispanic Culture and Civilization I (1), II (2)(4, 4) (405: NW) (IG)
451- 459 Topics in Spanish (1-4) (IG)

Spanish Literature in English Translation (SPT)
250 Spanish Literature in English Translation (4) (A)
251 Latin American Literature in English Translation (4) (A)(NW)

Speech (SPE)
300 Storytelling: Voice, Script and Movement (4) (W) (A)

Sport Management (SPM)
475 History of the Modern Olympic Games (4)

Theater (DRA)
103 Survey of World Theater (3) (W) (A)
104 Survey of World Theater II (2)(3) (NW-IG-W) (A)

Urban Studies (UST)
200 The Urban World (4) (NW) (IG)

Women's Studies (WST)
212 Witchcraft and Magic in the Early Modern Atlantic World (4) (IG)
322 Hispanic Women Writers
238 Contemporary Themes in Literature: Women's Literature (4) (W) (A)
370 Women, Film, and Popular Culture (4) (A)