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A Parent's Guide to Fraternity and Sorority Life at The University of Tampa

Sending a child to college can be challenging and stressful. While at The University of Tampa your child will encounter many opportunities to become involved outside of their classroom experience. It is important to be educated about the enriching experience that your son or daughter will find by being involved in a fraternity or sorority at UT.
What does it mean to be involved in a fraternity or sorority? Many depictions of fraternities and sororities in the media and popular culture are actually extreme cases of fraternity and sorority life. What the media often omits is the many lifelong benefits and the positive influence the experience has on students. In many university settings, membership in a fraternity or sorority offers a “home away from home” and makes the University setting a smaller, more friendly community. National research indicates that involvement in fraternities and sororities increases students' chances of graduating from college. Plus, as a lifelong member of a fraternity or sorority, students are offered the opportunity to develop as leaders in the community and focus on academics and careers by connecting with faculty, staff, local alumni members and advisors.
My son or daughter is considering joining a fraternity or sorority, how should I advise him or her?
Joining a fraternity or sorority is a big commitment. Consider sitting down with your son or daughter and research all of the organizations that are available to join. Reviewing chapter and national websites is a great, convenient way to gather information. For specific questions feel free to contact Fraternity and Sorority Life at
Consider asking the following questions before your child joins a fraternity or sorority.
  • What values does this organization promote?
  • How will membership affect your student's academics?
  • What is expected of fraternity/sorority members?
  • What type of member is the chapter looking for?
  • What leadership opportunities are available to students as both new members and active members?
  • Does the chapter perform hands-on community service? If so, how often?
  • What are the expenses associated with membership? How does this vary as a new member?
  • What is the time commitment?
How can I learn more about fraternities and sororities?
Websites to take a closer look at:

North American Interfraternity Conference

National Panhellenic Conference

National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations, Inc.

National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc.