Campus Building Abbreviations
AP: Agliano Park ARS: Sykes Plaza and Susan and John Sykes Ars Sonora® AUST: Austin Hall BAS: Bailey Art Studios BF: Baseball Field BREV: Brevard Hall BVB: Beach Volleyball Complex CA: Communication Annex CB: Cass Building CCB: Cass Communication Building CP: Chiller Plant CR: Central Receiving DP: Delo Park DPG: Delaware Parking Garage FALK: Falk Theatre FCA: Ferman Center for the Arts FIT: Fitness and Recreation Center FSO: Faculty/Staff Offices GC: Grand Center GH: Gate House GHS: Jenkins Health and Technology Building - Health HC: Dickey Health and Wellness Center HSHP: Health Sciences and Human Performance ICB: Daly Innovation and Collaboration Building JENK: Jenkins Hall JS: Sykes College of Business KBB: Kennedy/Boulevard Building KRS: Krusen Building LIB: Macdonald-Kelce Library MAC: Martinez Athletics Center MBL: Marine Science Field Station MCKA: McKay Hall MKE: MacKechnie Building MOR: Morsani Hall MUS: Henry B. Plant Museum NAIC: Naimoli Family Athletic and Intramural Complex | OSH: Little School House PALM: Palm Apartments PH: Plant Hall PH CHIS: Chiselers' Conference Room, Plant Hall PH FLET: Fletcher Lounge, Plant Hall PH GRSA: Grand Salon, Plant Hall PH MUSE: Music Room, Plant Hall POOL: Benson Alex Riseman Aquatic Center PP: Plant Park PS: Pepin Stadium RS: Rathskeller SA: Science Annex SC: Science Wing, Plant Hall SCFV: Sykes Chapel and Center for Faith and Values SCHO: Schoomaker ROTC and Athletics Building SFB: Southard Family Building SFB Mail: Mail Services, Southard Family Building SHG: Scarfone/Hartley Gallery SMIL: Smiley Hall SRL: Science Research Laboratories STRZ: Straz Hall TB: Thompson Building TC: Naimoli and Young Family Tennis Complex TECH: Jenkins Health and Technology Building - Technology TK: Track TPG: Thomas Parking Garage URSO: Urso Hall VAUG: Vaughn Center VAUG CRES: Crescent Club, Vaughn 9th Floor VAUG DH: Dining Hall, Vaughn Center VAUG PCR: President's Conference Room, Vaughn Center 9th Floor VAUG RVS: Reeves Theater, Vaughn Center VAUG TRST: Trustees Board Room, Vaughn Center 9th Floor WPG: West Parking Garage WSF: Naimoli Family Softball Complex |