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Meet Kathryn

Associate Professor, Political Science


2016 University of Missouri, Ph.D.

View CV (PDF)

Courses Taught

Congress and Legislative Politics
The Presidency and Executive Power
Politics of Money
State Politics
Political Analysis
Introduction to Government and World Affairs
Introduction to American Government

Career Specialties

Kathryn VanderMolen's specific areas of academic interest include American state politics and legislative behavior.

Professional and Community Activities

VanderMolen's research agenda focuses on state political institutions, with a focus on state legislatures. Given the polarization in federal institutions, states have become more active policymakers and are therefore deserving of scholarly attention.

VanderMolen has published several peer-reviewed journal articles on state political environments and legislative functioning, as well as co-authored a forthcoming book chapter on elections and partisan change in Florida with two of her department colleagues. Additionally, she also serves as the Political Science and International Studies internship coordinator.

Honors and Awards

CSSME Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2020-2021