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401 W. Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33606-13490
(813) 253-3333
2004 Southern Methodist University, B.A.
2005 Schiller International University, MBA
2018 University of Houston, Ph.D.
Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior
Introduction to Strategy
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Ashley Salaiz's interests include organizational changes to address sustainability; secondary interests include corporate governance and how organizations are impacted by their leaders.
Below are Salaiz's most recent publications.
Ballard, K., Salaiz, A., “Organizational Heuristic Portfolio and the Opportunity Sensing Capabilities of a Firm." Journal of Business Strategy (In Press).
Maldonado, T., Salaiz, A., Vera, D., Keller, R., “Taking Stock of the Absorptive Capacity Construct in the Context of Technological Innovation: A Meta-Analysis Toward Theoretical Development.” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (In Press).
Salaiz, A. Effects of Corporate Social Irresponsibility: A Meta-Analysis. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2016). Academy of Management.
Ballard, K.., Salaiz, A., Pathak, S, & Vera, D. Boards and Corporate Social Performance: The Role of Community Influentials and Interlocks. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2014). Academy of Management.
Non-refereed Publication
Salaiz, A. and Vera, D. Invited Commentary on “Decoupling Rape.” Academy of Management Discoveries. 2016.
2016 University of Houston nominee for Teaching Excellence Award (Graduate Teaching Assistant category)
2016 Best Student Paper Finalist, SIM Division, at the August, 2016 Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA.
2017 Recipient of the University of Houston’s Teaching Excellence Award (Graduate Teaching Assistant category)