Contact us
401 W. Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33606-13490
(813) 253-3333
1989 Ohio State University, B.S.
1993 University of South Florida, M.A.
1998 University of South Florida, Ph.D.
Advanced Investments
Advanced Corporate Finance
Intermediate Corporate Finance
Principals of Corporate Finance
Personal Financial Planning
Jeffrey Donaldson specializes in investments, portfolio management and trust investments.
Jeffrey Donaldson's recent work has been published in the Financial Analysts Journal, Multinational Finance Journaland the Journal of Financial Research. Donaldson is a member of the Financial Management Association, Southern Finance Association and Eastern Finance Association.
Outstanding Paper Award, Financial Education Association Conference Fall 2010
Excellence in Teaching Award UT 2010
Graduate Faculty Member of the Year Award for Excellence in Teaching VT 2007
Outstanding Scholarship 2000-01
University of Tampa Research Fellowship 1999
Outstanding Doctoral Student Paper, 1996
Financial Management Association Doctoral Consortium (Top 50 Doctoral Dissertations) 1996