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Meet Lisa

Assistant Professor, Education


1999 University of Oklahoma, B.S.
2003 University of Oklahoma, M.A.
2014 University of Oklahoma, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

Language and Literacy Essentials in Elementary School
Teaching Reading in the Elementary School

Career Specialties

Delgado Brown specializes in the impact of language and literacy development on student learning, the implications of critical literacy in challenging power dynamics and social inequalities, and how to support beginning/entry-level educators. Her research prepares teacher candidates for the post-pandemic classroom through transformative learning and promotes social justice by empowering marginalized populations, supporting struggling readers and writers, and utilizing innovative methods that engage culturally diverse thinking and differentiation.  

Professional and Community Activities

Before joining the University of Tampa, Dr. Delgado Brown served as an Associate Professor and the Middle/Secondary Program Administrator at Saint Leo University, where she also oversaw all undergraduate special education courses. Additionally, she taught at Oklahoma City University as an Associate Professor and at the University of Oklahoma while completing her doctoral degree.  Dr. Delgado Brown is an experienced educator with a demonstrated history of working in higher education and P-12 schools.  Prior to her time in higher education, she worked as a Special Education teacher, Reading Specialist, and Literacy Coach at public and private schools in Florida and Oklahoma. 

Delgado Brown's current research explores the impacts of hybrid teaching on perceived K-12 student learning, social justice in education, and how to support beginning/entry-level educators. She has authored a recent book chapter, Keeping it Real: Supporting Writers in the English/Language Arts Classroom in the book Writing is Thinking: Strategies for all Content Areas, and an article in the Journal of Teacher Action Research titled “Not only were the students learning … but so was I”: Introducing PSTs to graphic novels as part of a multimodal literacy framework.” Additionally, her work, Preparing Teacher Candidates for the Post-Pandemic Classroom: Insights Through a Transformative Learning Perspective, is currently in press and will provide valuable insights into adapting teacher preparation for the evolving educational landscape.

Delgado Brown has recently held the position of National Member on the Association of Middle-Level Educators’ Teacher-Leader Committee for supporting Early Career Educators (2022-2024). At the state level, Dr. Delgado Brown has served as the Secretary for Florida FTED, a division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) since the spring of 2023.  

Honors and Awards

Faculty Teaching Academy Award, Oklahoma City University, Spring 2019