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Meet Eduardo

Director, MS-ENS Program; Associate Professor, Health Sciences and Human Performance


2001 University of Franca, B.S.
2010 University of São Paulo, M.S.
2014 University of São Paulo, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

Exercise Testing and Prescription 
Current Perspectives in Exercise Science
Dimensions of Strength Training
Exercise and Nutrition Science Laboratory Techniques

Career Specialties

Eduardo De Souza's research focuses on neuromuscular adaptations induced by different exercises, primarily in the context of resistance training. His work specifically explores the effects of various training load progressions on neuromuscular performance, hypertrophy and body composition adaptations.

Professional and Community Activities

De Souza is a National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) member. Additionally, he contributes to his profession as a reviewer for over 15 journals, including some of the most important journals in the Exercise Science field. His contributions extend to publishing numerous peer-reviewed scientific papers on various exercise- and sports nutrition-related topics.

Selected Publications:

  1. SCHOENFELD, BJ; WACKERHAGE, H; DE SOUZA, E. Inter-set stretch: A potential time-efficient strategy for enhancing skeletal muscle adaptations. DOI: 3389/fspor.2022.1035190
  2. WADHI, T; BARAKAT, C; EVANGELISTA, A; PEARSON, JR; ANAND, AS; MORRISON, TEA; O’SULLIVAN, J; WALTERS, J; DE SOUZA, EO. Loaded Inter-Set Stretching for Muscular Adaptations in Trained. Males: Is the Hype Real? DOI: 1055/a-1529-6281
  3. PEARSON, J; WADHI, T; BARAKAT, C; AUBE, D; SCHOENFELD, BJ; ANDERSEN, JC; BARROSO, R; UGRINOWITSCH, C; DE SOUZA, EO. Does Varying Repetition Tempo in a Single-Joint Lower Body Exercise Augment Muscle Size and Strength in Resistance-Trained Men? DOI: 1519/JSC.0000000000003953
  4. BARAKAT, C; PEARSON, J; GUILLERMO, E; CAMPBELL, B; DE SOUZA, EO. Body recomposition: can trained individuals build muscle and lose fat at the same time? DOI: 1519/SSC.0000000000000584
  5. WALLACE, W; UGRINOWITSCH, C; STEFAN, M; RAUCH, J; BARAKAT, C; SHIELDS, KEVIN; BARNINGER, A; BARROSO, R; DE SOUZA, EO. Repeated Bouts of Advanced Strength Training Techniques: Effects on Volume Load, Metabolic Responses, and Muscle Activation in Trained Individuals. DOI: 3390/sports7010014
  6. DE SOUZA EO; TRICOLI, V; RAUCH, J; ALVAREZ, MR; LAURENTINO, G; AIHARA, AY; CARDOSO, FN; ROSCHEL, H; UGRINOWITSCH, C. Different Patterns in Muscular Strength and Hypertrophy Adaptations in Untrained Individuals Undergoing Non-Periodized and Periodized Strength Regimens. DOI: 1519/JSC.0000000000002482
  7. RAUCH, JT; UGRINOWITSCH, C; BARAKAT, CI; ALVAREZ, MR; BRUMMERT, DL; AUBE, DW; BARSUHN, AS; HAYES, D; TRICOLI, V; DE SOUZA, EO.Auto-Regulated Exercise Selection Training Regimen Produces Small Increases in Lean Body Mass and Maximal Strength Adaptations in Strength-Trained Individuals. DOI: 1519/JSC.0000000000002272
  8. DE SOUZA, EO; LOWERY, RP; WILSON, JM; SHARP, MH; MOBLEY, CB; FOX, CD; LOPEZ, HL; SHIELDS, KA; RAUCH, JT; HEALY, JC; THOMPSON, RM; ORMES, JA; JOY, JM; ROBERTS, MD. Effects of Arachidonic Acid Supplementation on Acute Anabolic Signaling and Chronic Functional Performance and Body Composition Adaptations. DOI: 1371/journal.pone.0155153
  9. DE SOUZA, EO; TRICOLI, V; AOKI, MS; ROSCHEL, H; BRUM, PC; BACURAU, AVN; SILVA-BATISTA, C; WILSON, JM; NEVES, M; SOARES, AG; UGRINOWITSCH, C. Effects of concurrent strength and endurance training on genes related to myostatin signaling pathway and muscle fiber responses. DOI: 1519/JSC.0000000000000525
  10. DE SOUZA, EO; TRICOLI, V; ROSCHEL, H; BRUM, P; BACURAU, AV; FERREIRA, JC; AOKI, M; NEVES-JR, M; AIHARA, A; FERNANDES, A; UGRINOWITSCH, C. Molecular Adaptations to Concurrent Training. DOI: 1055/s-0032-1312627

Honors and Awards

2019 Outstanding Undergraduate Student Research Supervision Award, College of Natural and Health Sciences, The University of Tampa (UT) 

2021 Outstanding Scholar Award, College of Natural and Health Sciences, The University of Tampa (UT)