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401 W. Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33606-13490
(813) 253-3333
2005 Mott Community College, A.A.
2007 Michigan State University, B.A. in Philosophy
2012 The University of South Florida, M.A. in Philosophy
Introduction to Philosophy
Professor Cheely specializes in Applied Ethics and 20th Century Continental Philosophy, with a particular interest in the work of Martin Heidegger. He is also competent in the Philosophy of Religion, Logic, Early Modern Philosophy and the Philosophy of Sport.
Cheely is primarily focused on teaching in his field; however, he has published a paper on the work of Thomas Hobbes as well as presented papers at many professional conferences over the past 10 years.
Teaching Assistantship, University of South Florida, 2007-2012
Zerby Prize in Philosophy, Michigan State University, 2007