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Meet Gina

Professor, Education


1977 University of South Florida, B.A.
1983 University of Florida, M.Ed
1987 University of Florida, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning
Curriculum Theory and Practice
Social Emotional Teaching and Learning
Children’s and Adolescent Literature
Educational Neuroscience and Dimensions of Learning

Career Specialties

Gina M. Almerico holds the rank of professor and is the acting director of educator preparation programs, where she is tasked with the development of program assessment and approval responsibilities. She is a strong advocate of Care Ethics and promotes the tenets of Social Emotional Learning and constructivist methodologies in all professional endeavors.

Professional and Community Activities

Almerico, G., Schimmel, T., & Gibbs, S. (2022). Social Emotional Learning in Caldecott and Newbery Award-Winning Books from 2002-2022. Submitted for review to AILACTE Journal.

Erben, T. & Almerico, G. (2022). Preparing for CAEP: Aligning all Pieces of the Puzzle and Learning About Oneself Along the Way. In Clinically Based Teacher Education in Action: Cases Demonstrating Excellence in Accreditation. CAEP. Submitted for Review.

Wilson, A., Almerico, G., Erben, T. (2022) Distributed Articulation: blurring the line between district and higher education to grow school leadership. In School Administrator Succession Planning: Identifying High-Impact Practices, Programs, and Frameworks in P-12 Schools. L.L. Sabina (ed.) Information Age Publishing. Charlotte, N.C.

Wilson, A., Almerico, G.M., Johnston, P., & Ensmann, S. (2020). Examining Educational Leadership Dispositions: A Valid and Reliable Assessment of Leadership Dispositions. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation. Volume 15, Number 1, Spring 2020, p. 17-28.

Almerico sits on the Executive Board of the Florida Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, the Board of the Pan American University Women, and the Board of Florida

Honors and Awards

Received the College of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Education Service Award in 2020