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Cybersecurity Classroom

Cybersecurity Summer Camp for High School Students

The University of Tampa offers cybersecurity summer camps for high school students. Gamified learning content focuses on giving participants fundamental cybersecurity knowledge and opportunities to gain skills towards offensive and defensive cybersecurity competencies. In addition to the educational content, camp activities also include interactions with industry professionals, University of Tampa professors and students, admission counselors and career service professionals for a comprehensive introduction to the cybersecurity education and career.

For questions email, Alper Yayla, camp program director.

CyberSpartans working hands-on

Students build their Raspberry Pis during an interactive session on the fundamentals of computing.

CyberSpartans in a computer lab

Students search for clues to solve challenges and puzzles and learn how to "think like an adversary."

CyberSpartan working on programming

The Raspberry Pi platform enables interactive learning of computing and networking concepts.

CyberSpartans working on an assignment

Students work on the "Ice Cream Truck Problem" which illustrates the challenges of cybersecurity.

CyberSpartans working together in the Skyview Room

"The Internet of Strings" activity demonstrates the fundamentals of computer networking.