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In just four days, a University of Tampa professor and two students brought as much of Paris to contemporary readers as they could.
Associate professor of English Sarah Juliet Lauro (left) traveled with two students, including Megan Darling ’24 (right), to Paris to document the sites in Ernest Hemingway texts for a student-created website. Photo by Chandler Culotta ’22
Associate Professor of English Sarah Juliet Lauro and her students went to Paris to document the sights mentioned in Ernest Hemingway texts.
The pictures, video and summaries were then put on the student-created website, to provide readers multimedia annotations that they can utilize while reading Hemingway’s novels.
Three cohorts of students have contributed to the project that started in 2018. The initial concept was to bring the locations that Hemingway wrote about including Paris, Key West and Havana to people who aren’t able to see them in person since many people at some point read The Old Man and the Sea, Lauro said, but may not have a visual of some of the things mentioned in the books.
This year Lauro received a $10,000 grant from the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry to help support three students who worked for the full academic year on the grant, Megan Darling ’24, Chandler Culotta ’22 and Mark-Elliot Finley ’22, though Finley did not go on the trip.
The group did a poster presentation in the spring at CALapalooza, an open house hosted by the College of Arts and Letters that showcases what students around the college are working on.
Have a story idea? Contact Brianna Kwasnik, Digital Content Editor/Writer
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