Carlos Alzugaray Treto, former Cuban diplomat, professor of history and international relations, and political analyst, will speak at The University of Tampa on Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 5 p.m. The presentation, which will be held in the Sykes Chapel and Center for Faith and Values, is free and open to the public.
Alzugaray Treto, who was a diplomatic service officer with the Cuban Foreign Ministry from 1961 to 1996, will speak on
Cuba and the U.S. from Dec. 17 to April 14: The Opportunities and Challenges of Normalization.
A reception will follow the presentation.
Alzugaray Treto’s visit is sponsored by the UT-Cuba Initiative, the UT College of Arts and Letters and the UT College of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Education. For more information, contact James López, professor of Spanish, language and linguistics, at, or Denis Rey, associate professor of government and world affairs, at