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May 17, 2016

Educators Invited to Free Character Camp Conference July 22 at UT

Featuring national speakers and sessions on digital citizenship, ethics in decision-making and teaching social/emotional learning, the annual Character Camp Conference is free and open to the public and will be held at The University of Tampa on Friday, July 22.

Hosted by the Florida International Character Partnership and UT, the conference, titled “Linking Smart and Good,” will be of special interest to teachers, school administrators, guidance counselors, paraprofessionals, school support staff, school bus drivers and stakeholders interested in the social, emotional and academic development of PK-12 children.

With the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states and school districts will focus more on developing programs and initiatives that focus on school climate and safety and the nurturing and development of the whole child.

The conference will be held in the Vaughn Center on the UT campus from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The University of Tampa campus is located at 401 W. Kennedy Blvd.

The registration deadline is Friday, July 8. To register, go to