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On-Campus Resources

Counseling Services

The University of Tampa Counseling Services provides alcohol and other drug assessments, psychoeducational groups, 1-1 counseling, and referral to treatment as needed. Please contact or call (813) 253-6250 to make an appointment. 

12-Step Meetings

On-Campus Alcohol Anonymous (AA) meetings are hosted by the UT 717 Group. Meetings are held every Friday at 7:17 p.m. For more information, please contact the Wellness Center at

Find a Recovery Meeting Near You

  • Online resource list on virtual recovery meetings (national or CRC level), social events and staff support events.
  • Students in Recovery Support Group via GroupMe for all students in recovery. This GroupMe group’s purpose is to connect students in recovery across the nation during a time of social distancing. Students in this group can use this group to connect, share information about virtual events and webinars, and more on a mass level. Join the GroupMe chat.
  • Recovery Pen Pal program. Students will complete a survey, and ARHE interns and staff will match students based on their preferences and interests. Students will have the option to send snail mail, use video platforms, or email/call. Anyone interested in participating can fill out the survey for the Pen Pal Program.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Narcotics Anonymous
  • Eating Disorders Anonymous
  • Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
  • Codependency Anonymous
  • Sex Addicts Anonymous

Online Resources

Alcohol Use Disorders Resources

Harm Reduction Approaches to Alcohol Use

Drug Use Disorders Resources

Tobacco Information and Cessation

Tobacco, Nicotine and Vaping 21 Law: Purchasing, possessing or using tobacco, nicotine or vapes under the age of 21 is prohibited by law. FDA (2021)

Ready to quit tobacco/e-cigarettes? We are here to help. Virtual cessation is available. Email us at

Alcohol and Other Drug Resources

Gambling Resources

The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling (FCCG) is committed to increasing public awareness about problem and compulsive gambling. The FCCG provides referral services and supports residents in need of assistance with a gambling addiction, as well as to professionals and others servicing this population. FCCG provides problem gambling information for college students and loved ones. Please call 888-ADMIT-IT or text (321) 978-0555 for assistance.

Additional Resources

Recovery Resources

Substance Use Disorders and Recovery Video Resources

Recovery Resources for Support Systems

people doing yoga

The Phoenix

The Phoenix is an active sobriety community that fuels resilience and harnesses the transformational power of connection so that together we rise, recover, and live.

University of Tampa Recovery Community (UTRC)
UTRC tabling event

The University of Tampa (UT) Collegiate Recovery Community (UTRC) is a part of Live Well UT through Wellness Services located on the second floor of the Dickey Health and Wellness Center. This is a new program that started in the fall of 2016 and is slowly evolving. University of Tampa Recovery Community is a safe space for UT students struggling with addiction and substance abuse to come together and support each other.

Watch Your BAC (Alcohol Education and Awareness)
BAC tabling event

Watch your BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) is a harm reduction program that encourages colleges students to lower their risk if they choose to drink alcohol. Areas of alcohol education include: None For the Road; Staying In Your Green Zone (keeping your BAC below a .06); and Standard Drink Equivalents to reduce alcohol related problems.

Watch Your BAC
Rx Factor (Prescription Drug Education and Awareness)
Rx Factor members at an event

The Rx Factor's mission is to educate students at University of Tampa on prescription drug misuse and abuse and medication safety, with the ultimate of enhancing positive coping skills for dealing with the daily stresses of life without misusing and abusing medications. The R goal x Factor regularly collaborates with other organizations to promote a healthy campus environment.

Rx Factor
Students Advocating Gambling Awareness (SAGA)
Students doing yoga

Students Advocating Gambling Awareness (SAGA) is dedicated to supporting the UT community affected by problem gambling with mutual support and cultivating healing techniques. SAGA established goals to support the community with problem gambling by offering peer support, intervention, education, mind/body healing techniques, and outreach programs. As an advocating initiative, it is important to continue educating and advocating for research and education to support individuals with problem gambling here at the University of Tampa.

Breathe-Easy UT (Tobacco Peer Education and Awareness)
breathe-easy tabling event

Breathe-Easy UT is the University of Tampa's tobacco/smoking/vaping peer education program. Our mission is to create a tobacco free and breathable atmosphere for all students and faculty. We function to educate students on the dangers of all forms of tobacco use, including e-cigarettes, hookah and vaping, as well as provide resources for students who wish to quit through smoking cessation classes offered through the Dickey Health and Wellness Center.

Breathe-Easy UT
DisJointed (Marijuana Education and Awareness)
disjointed logo

DisJointed focuses on teaching students the risks of marijuana including health, cognitive and occupational risks. DisJointed also can be seen describing THC potency in all forms of marijuana including edibles in order to promote awareness of the substance, as well as providing warning signs of overuse and abuse.
