Central server file space is available to all departments as a means for assisting backup of critical files, documents and data used/shared by several people. Those departments not already using this service should follow the guidelines below to reduce the risk of losing data that is critical to department operation. Note: For backup of individual computer data that is not of a departmental nature or does not require shared access, please use your Home Directory.
How can departments receive central server space?
Department heads may request multiple folders to be stored on the central file server, each with unique name and access security. Each folder must be assigned an owner (usually the department head) who is responsible for requesting adds/changes/deletions to access permissions. Access can be assigned with read only or read/write capabilities. Requests can be made online. Or can be made by contacting the IT Help Desk at ext. 6293 or helpdesk@ut.edu.
Is central server space secure and confidential?
Department central server space is on a secured server and is accessible only by individuals designated by the department head. It is backed up daily Monday through Friday, and is stored off-site weekly and out-of-state monthly.