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Our Objective is Student Development

College is a time to challenge ideas and beliefs, to learn new ideas and to develop a sense of self. You will be growing and changing all your life. The academic programs in the curriculum and the opportunities in the co-curriculum are designed to help you develop your present and future skills to their maximum. We encourage you to assess your skills, abilities and attitudes right now and ask, “How do I want to develop over this year?” “What aspects of The University of Tampa experience can help me meet those goals?” Consider all aspects of your growth: academic and career, intellectual and cultural, physical, social and interpersonal, and spiritual and ethical. The University of Tampa is a community. Faculty and staff members are concerned about your experience as a member of this community (whether in your residence hall, your commuter student group, your campus organization, or, most important, your classes) and will pay close attention to your needs and responsibilities as a community member. UT is also concerned about your personal development (for example, career awareness, personal growth, learning skills) and will offer many programs and services to assist you individually.

We want to help you utilize your in- and out-of-class time for productive learning experiences. All the educators and administrators at UT are ready to support and encourage you in your goals, but it is you who must decide to be actively involved and committed to your own learning.